Monday, May 23, 2016


SOAP (old) and RESTful (new) do the same thing - enables clients to access web services. SOAP relies on XML, which can be clunky. RESTful, on the other hand, only needs an URL and JSON/CSV/RSS.

IBM operating profits falling at least 3 consecutives years

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Friday, May 6, 2016

2-Step (Multi-Factor) Authentication : A Simple Explanation

Quick Introduction To Multi-Factor Authentication

In security, knowing who you are (identify) and proving that you are who you are (authentication) is CRITICAL in blocking unwanted access to secret data.  Here is an overall picture of Identity and Access Management (IAM).

Identity is authenticated via Knowledge, Ownership, or Inherent Factors. Notice that Multi-Factor Authentication uses two of these (Knowledge of a passkey and Ownership of a pre-designated mobile phone)

For authentication (prove that you are who you are), there are three major methods : 

  1.    Knowledge Factor (something you know in your head, like a username, password, your first car) 
  2.    Ownership Factor (a security key fob, a mobile phone with an security app installed, etc) and    
  3.   Inherent Factor (something that's always on you and unique only to you, such as your voice, finger print, etc).  

Multi-factor means MORE THAN ONE of these Factors are used to authenticate you. 

A Common Use Case Of MFA

Two-Step Multi-Factor authentication typically uses 2 factors (see above) to authenticate you. The 2 factors are: 
  1.    Knowledge Factor (such as a secrete passcode) and 
  2.   Ownership Factor (a pre-designated mobile phone with a security app installed) to double ensure that you are you! Below is a another good explanation of MFA:

A screen shot from installing Google Authenticator app on an iPhone.

The two-step processes means that having just the secrete passcode (knowledge factor) is not enough to log into your account. You need to also have the iPhone (ownership factor).