Friday, October 2, 2020

Share your Google Calendar with a desktop app (written in node.js) using Google Calendar APIs

Use Case:

Alex is a busy social person and stores his calendar on Google calendar. He wants to be able to look at the highlights of what is coming up in text form. He is a geek and prefers command line interaction to view his calendar (his favorite editor is vi). He also wants to share his calendar with Sally. She is also a co-geek and wants to use a terminal to look at Alex's schedule. Alex want to be able to

   1) share his calendar with his pal Sally and only her

   2) viewable from a command line (say a terminal on my Macbook)

Google has made this fairly easy to do with a tutorial and clear instructions from the Google calendar API-enabler interface. Here is a quick walk of the process to enable Google calendar API.

Enable Google Calendar API

To start the process to enable Alex's calendar to be viewable by Sally (and in text form), Alex logs into his Google account and heads over to his Google cloud account ( He creates a new project, gives it a project name of "gcx". He decided that he will write the Google calendar client aka app - the reader from which he will invoke from the terminal - in Node.js for Sally. He follows the process to "enable Google Calendar API". This step will create credentials.json - which will have 1) Client ID and 2) Client Secret. This will help Google to know whose Google services to target - it this case, it will be Alb's.

Node.js App

To create the Node.js Google calendar reader, he found a useful sample code.  He sends that to Sally to use. Before she invokes it with "node index.js", she needs to use npm to install the Google calendar API SDK by typing "npm install googleapis@39 --save". If Sally skipped this step,  she will run into "Error: Cannot find module 'googleapis'".

App Asking Permission to Alex's Calendar

The first time the reader is invoked, it will contact Google. Google notes that this is an unverified application (a desk application via NODE.js to be specific) into Alex's calendar. Google wants to make sure that Alex is really ok sharing his social calendar with this reader. Google asks the user of the reader (Sally) to send to Alex a specific just created authentication link. That link will ask for Alex to log into his Google account to authorize the calendar reader to read his calendar. 

Alex Give Permission

Because Alex trusts Sally, he visits the link and clicks [v] View, then [Allow] to allow Sally's reader to use Google calendar API to read his calendar. Alb will receive an authorization code that he sends to Sally.  Sally will enter the authorization code, and viola, she can read Alb's calendar, on a terminal!


Alex stores his social calendar in his Google calendar. He wants a way to share it with people he trusts (Sally), in the format they like to view in it (text on a terminal). Google calendar API can make this happen easily. 

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Makefile : the forgotten Unix command for build automation

1. Introduction:

A software program (or services, a term used nowadays to describe software that runs in the cloud instead of your on your computer) is usually created from multiple separate source files, libraries, etc. Multiple source files are compiled IN ORDER, and libraries are linked in, to make a software program. The compile step requires the multiple separate source code files to be compiled in sequence. 

You change a source file, you run one command, and all needed associated source files that is impacted by the change in the source file is recompiled. The end result is new, updated version of the software program with the latest source code change(s).

There are multiple build automation software for this, such as Ant, Maven, Gradle, etc. But before diving into these automation software, you can actually learn on your Unix based laptop, using a Unix command called "make". 

2. The anatomy of a Makefile

The Unix "make" command has been available since 1976.  The simple idea behind make is that:

   1) you have a bunch of source files

   2) you know how to compile the source files into final code

   3) you know how to run the final code

You "codify" these into a text file called Makefile. I won't go into the syntax of a Makefile here, but rather focus on what it does for now. Using a Hello java program. Let's look at a Makefile :

   --- Makefile ---

   target : <tab> dependency 

   <tab> command

Decoding the Makefile:

   target: the compiled file, such as Hello.class; this of this as the output of the command

   dependency : the source code that the compiled file (target) depends on, such as

   command: how do you compile the dependency (source file) into the target (compiled file), 

                     such as javac

So for the above example:



This says Hello.class depends on If Hello.class is older than, invoke the command "javac" to compile and update Hello.class.

3. A Real Example:

Let's use a simple working Hello java example:

class Hello {

   public static void main (String [] sin) {





   1) you have a bunch of source files (say

   2) you know how to compile the source files into final code (javac

   3) you know how to run the final code (java Hello.class)

If you want to try out a simple Unix command line way of building a Java application (just prints Hello), you can follow along:

----- Makefile -----

go:     Hello.class     

        java Hello




        rm -f Hello.class

---- using make to build & run, for the very first time  ---

%make -n # let's see what make will do, but don't do it, could have used --dry-run

ac-a01:0HelloWorld chiangal$ make -n


java Hello

%make # compile, run, but this time, do it for reals

ac-a01:0HelloWorld chiangal$ make


java Hello


%make # this time only run

ac-a01:0HelloWorld chiangal$ make

java Hello


%vi # modify the source file by adding ! to Hello

class Hello {

   public static void main (String [] sin) {




%make # because the source code has been changed, make will re-compile, run

chiangal-a01:0HelloWorld chiangal$ make


java Hello


%make -f clean; ls Hello.class # everything works, let's clean up and go to sleep, but let's look at command first

ac-a01:0HelloWorld chiangal$ make -n clean; ls Hello.class 

rm -f Hello.class


%make clean; ls Hello.class # looks good, let's do it : remove generated files

ac-a01:0HelloWorld chiangal$ make clean; ls Hello.class 

rm -f Hello.class

ls: Hello.class: No such file or directory

4. Conclusion:

The unix "make" command is a good way to learn about build automation on your own laptop that supports some flavor of Unix (like MacOS). In one command "make", the Unix will read the Makefile that you have created, knows what the final program is (Hello.class), reads the Makefile to find dependencies on how to build Hello.class (depends on, the command to compile it is javac 

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Real Time Micro Marketplace Using IoT, AI/ML, Blockchain 2021

On my garage shelf is  a quart of special brake fluid that was very expensive,  still have a lot of it left, and it is close to expiring. Seems like a waste for it to sit on the shelf, expiring away, when someone nearby can use it. And by nearby, I don't just mean living nearby. It can also be a person who just happens to be passing my neighborhood,  broadcasting passively that he is in need of that special brake fluid.

That led me to think about the world of supply chain. In a simplified view the supply chain world, we can categorize actors as 1) producers of stuff & services 2) deliverer of stuff & services 3) consumers of stuff & services. Stuff are usually tangible assets, like cars, TVs, furniture. Services are usually intangible, such as hospital care, lawyer consultation, financial services. But that model of the world is changing.  The production of stuff kicks off with a plan. A demand driven planning is aggregated from sales forecasts, marketing activities,  foreseen competition movement, expected geo-political events, anticipated seasonality, production capacity, historical records, etc. A supply driven planning is aggregated from factory capacity, supplier capabilities, expected geo-political events, competition. But these plans usually don't just line up. Resulting in excess inventory or stock outs of products.

But there is a new world, where stuff & services are available on-the-fly (that is, without planning). It can be excess inventory - stuff that was produced but no on bought, an idle car passing by that is going exactly where you need to go,  a half quart of special brake fluid. A new marketplace is needed : a real time micro market. And to be able to create a marketplace that is so efficient that event a quart of the special brake fluid can be shared.

A trusted (blockchain) realtime (IoT) network so easy and valuable (AL/ML) to join, everyone will want to join.

So back to the special brake fluid example. I post on the real-time-micro-marketplace that I have a particular brand, product, amount, and price to offer. It is broadcast on the marketplace. It is accessible to not only those living close to me, but also to car passing by. What technologies are needed to make this work?

Internet of Things : real time sensors providing location, brake fluid level, squeal level,

Blockchain : asset and financial data stored here is authenticated, collected in real-time, cannot be altered, and trusted because it is distributed

AI/ML : predict demand for special brake fluid, recommend to those who might also own a similar car, suggest pricing in accordance with expiration date

Cloud : to provide IoT, Blockchain, and AI/ML as a services (meaning you don't  need to buy hardware, plug the hardware into a power socket,  install software on it, connected it to the network, and maintain it 24/7)

In conclusion, current products & services are built on traditional planning and fulfillment systems. But in a world there is much value left on the table for products & services that became available on-the-fly, a new system is needed to connect the producers to the consumers. A real time micro marketplace can make this happen, thanks to the power of IoT, blockchain, and AI/ML.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Application Programming Interface (API) Introduction


Application Programming Interface (API) is a communication mechanism that allows one program (let's call it client) to call another program (let's call it server). The reason a client program will call another program is that the client program lacks a certain functionality needed to be a complete program - but that certain functionality can be found in another program - in the server program. For the client program to know how to call the server program, the server program will have instructions on what information (request) needs be passed to the server program, and what information will be returned from the server program back to the client program. The instructions for how the client program can make a request to the server program is called an API. API isn't a recent invention.  Before the explosion of the internet (using HTTP for programs to talk to each other), a client program (usually written in C/C++ or Java) can call libraries located remotely via remote procedure call (RPC). The remote libraries can be another stand alone server program on the same machine, waiting for a call from the client program. RPC is considered one of the ways to implement a inter-process communication (IRC).

With the advent of the internet (which focuses on networking) and its sister term cloud (which adds compute, storage, and application), the client program is now a mobile app or web browser. The server program is providing a service, is running on a computer (called a server) in another part of the world. The communication between the client and server talks through the cloud. A very common way for client and servers to talk to each other is via Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and HTTP Request Verbs

Even as you read this on a web browser, your web browser has already used HTTP to talk to a web server.

   GET : retrieve data from the web server
   PUT : write data to a web server
   POST : write data to a web server, where the data will processed first
   DELETE : remove data from a web server

Representational State Transfer (REST) API

An API is often described as RESTful - Representational State Transfer.  What the heck does "Representational State" mean? In the simplest terms, it means "the value of a data field" on the server. "Transfer"  means that the value stored in the server is being read by the client. A "data field" and "value" is often found in  a database, attached to the server.  The database can be used to track a list of electronic products. Basic data field in this database of electronic products can include : product name, sku, brand, price. Zooming in on the data field called "product name", it will contain a value, say is "Bluetooth Headset", "Bluetooth Headset" represents the state (value)... of the data field "product". 

       |   one record
       |      +----------------+-------------+
       |      |    Data Field   |     Value    |
       |      +----------------+-------------+
       |      |   SKU             | 1000006   |
       |      +----------------+-------------+
       |      |   Brand           |   Bose       |
       |      +----------------+-------------+


Real Example of a API Call, Simple Version to List All Products:

Lets look at a real life example of how APIs are used. Bestbuy provides a service (a server program) to allow client programs to query the Bestbuy catalog online. Visit here.

   Bestbuy has a ton of products.

   Each product as a multiple attributes. Attributes is simple data that 1) describes the
   product (such as color), or 2) meta data (such as SKU). In real life, a Bestbuy product
   will have these and more attributes:  sku, productID, name, upc, categoryPath.

   You can use Bestbuy product API to show all products.

   Paste the command below into a web browser. You need to have applied for an
   apiKey before hand from Bestbuy. Here I replaced my key with "thisasecret123".
   In the place of this apiKey, USE YOUR OWN API KEY that you have applied
   from Bestbuy. If you prefer a terminal command line, you can use the "curl" program.

      Because I have a valid apiKey, I see results back from Bestbuy. In JSON format, as
      requested by me. Let's break this down:

         REST request : GET
         endpoint     :
         resource     : v1/products
         parameter   : ?apiKey=thisasecret123&format=json

      Looking at the results, the first of the tons of products is:

         sku:                1000006
         name:             "Spy Kids: All the Time in the World [Includes Digital Copy] [Blu-ray] [2011]"
         categoryPath[0]:   id: "cat00000",     name: "Best Buy"
         categoryPath[1]:   id: "abcat0600000", name: "Movies & Music"
         categoryPath[2]:   id: "cat02015",     name: "Movies & TV Shows"


Real Example of a API Call, Searching A Product by SKU:

   Let's say customer says "I want to buy sku=1000006. What is it"?

   You can use Bestbuy API to lookup a specific sku.


          REST request : GET 
          endpoint     :
          resource     : v1/products(sku=1000006) <- notice that resource has 
                                                                               term (sku=1000006) hard wired in via
                                                                               term : attribute(sku) operator(=) value(1000006)
          parameter     : ?apiKey=thisasecret123&format=json

       Results from the API call:

          "products": [
                "sku": 1000006,
                "score": null,
                "productId": null,
                "name": "Spy Kids: All the Time in the World [Includes Digital Copy] [Blu-ray] [2011]",

A Little Introspection About API Request Style

    It is interesting to note that there seems to be two styles of filtering a search : 1) built
    into resource & 2) filter passed in parameter

       1) GET apiKey=thisasecret123&format=json
                                                                   +---- filter built into resource

       2) GET
                                                                                         +---- filter passed in parameter