Maven Introduction
Updated : Feb 3, 2022
Maven is a free software utility, like unix makefile, to automate compiling, testing, and packaging Java source code. In simple terms, a bunch of Java source files is needed to make a program. Maven is a single command to compile all of those Java files into a program, test the program (using JUNIT), then package up the program (into JAR). To configure Maven, it reads pom.xml to define targets, much like unix makefile; newer build tools like Gradle define tasks.
Hello World Example:
- Install Maven
%brew install maven # installs Maven on a Mac
%mvn –version # Apache Maven 3.6.3
%which mvn # /usr/local/bin/mvn
- Create a playground:
%cd /Users/chiangal/Learn/Maven/0Hello
#%cd /Users/chiangal/Learn/JavaFun/MavenHelloWorld
#%cd /Users/chiangal/Learn/Maven/Tmp
- Use Maven to create project scaffold
%mvn \
archetype:generate \ \
-DartifactId=dapp-ecs \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart \
-DarchetypeVersion=1.4 \
# will create dir dapps-ecs/, with pom.xml and src/
# src/main and src/test
- Go to Maven projects “dapps-ecs” directory
%cd dapps-ecs
- Look at pom.xml
%cat pom.xml
<groupId> </groupId> # the company domain?
<artifactId> dapps-ecs </artifactId> #name of app in build system world
<version> 1.0-SNAPSHOT </version>
<name> dapps-ecs </name> # name of app in English
….. <artifactId>junit</artifactId> # easy way to test Java
<build> <pluginManagement><plugin> #build contains plugins
<version>3.8.0</version> # version of Maven
- Edit to put in "Hello World"
%vi src/main/java/com/vmbc/app/ #
public class App {
public static void main() { # Remember “PlayStation Very Manly”
System.out.print("hi \n");
public static int giveMeOne() {
return 1;
- Edit to test "giveMeOne()"
%vi src/main/java/com/vmbc/app/ #
- Use Maven to test compile
%mvn compile # [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS, create target/
- Use Maven to “package”, which means, compile->test->package into jar
%mvn package #